HFI has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of schools and organizations since the Hippodrome Theatre re-opened in 2004. The foundation’s primary target is students and we have served 80,000+ Maryland students with a variety of free programs over the past 19 years. HFI’s programs increase awareness and appreciation of live theater as well as introduce people to the beautiful Hippodrome Theatre. The foundation serves people of all ages, and while the foundation’s primary target is students, frequent programs are also offered to senior citizens, children with disabilities and more. HFI served more than 6,000 people last year.
Baltimore County is one of HFI’s most important partners, thanks to funding provided by the citizens of Baltimore County and staff work closely with the Board of Education as well as the County’s Department on Aging.
The foundation works to maximize educational opportunities for students and these partnerships make all the difference to ensure these opportunities are successful.
BCPS partners have included: Arbutus MS, Carver Center, Catonsville Alt, Catonsville MS, Cockeysville MS, Deep Creek MS, Deer Park MMS, Dulaney HS, Franklin HS, Kenwood HS, Lansdowne HS, Lansdowne MS, Loch Raven Technical Academy, Milford Mills Academy, New Town HS, Northwest Academy, Parkville MS, Patapsco HS, Perry Hall MS, Pikesville MS, Pine Grove MS, Randallstown HS, Ridgely MS, Rosedale Alt, Sudbrook MMS, Towson HS, Woodlawn MS, and Woodlawn HS.
HFI also provides professional development for County educators, to be sure they have developmental opportunities that enhance teaching.
HFI also works with Baltimore City students and other students and seniors around the state.
Hippodrome Foundation, Inc. serves a gamut of people and organizations. If you are interested in finding out more about how to participate in foundation programs, please email Barb Wirsing at barbw@hippodromefoundation.org.